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Mon, 20 May 2024 12:16:05 -0500
2018-07-19 Print

Singer-Songwriter Stephen Winston releases new single "Maybe It's For James"

the Colorado based musician introduces the first track from his forthcoming summer release UNRESOLVED


DENVER - July 19, 2018 -- Stephen Winston, ever the insightful and emotional musical storyteller, found life affirming ways to chronicle some of the traumatic personal and family challenges he has faced in song. One of his daughters gave birth to a premature baby, resulting in months of Neo-natal ICU care and many sleepless nights wondering if the boy would survive. One night on the balcony of his "concrete jungle" hotel in Waikiki, Winston heard laughter from a party down below and felt the Universe was giving him a sign that the tide was about to turn.

The experience resulted in the song "Maybe It's for James," a string-enhanced ballad where the darker feelings of wondering how they got there give way to offering just enough hope to get through. The singer is happy to report that James is now a healthy five year old boy.

"Maybe It's for James" is the first single from the highly anticipated fourth album Unresolved due out later this summer. Winston gets back to his roots, collaborating with Michael Pfeifer, who also co-produced, engineered, mixed and mastered his earlier releases The Overlook Sessions and its follow-up Gradient Nights (2011).

Contact Info
Open All Nite Entertainment
9636 McLennan Ave.
Northridge, CA 91343

Phone: 8188925564
