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2024-12-18 Print

Mysterious Book Takes the Culture Wars into the Multiverse but Leaves Behind Real Questions

Speculative book pulls reality closer to it after Google hints at proof of alternate dimensions, and as more Americans believe in magic spells (20% in 2024), lizard people controlling the government (4% in latest polling) and supernatural beings capable of manipulating mankind (46% in 2024). And 49.8% of voters brought Chaos back for 2025. And we thought it was fiction.


PITTSBURGH PA – 12/17/2024
Why are we okay with women (and only women) having sex with vampires in pop culture but we’re still iffy on queer love scenes? Vampires are the undead. We’re not fine with banging any of the other undead, let alone the dead. But vamps on white chicks gets billions of dollars out of your pockets. The Twilight movies grossed over $3.3billion and True Blood was HBOs most popular show in the late 2000s.

And why is it so hard for a woman to be a serial killer? Not just a black widow luring in a man with bacon wrapped donuts and an apron. Not a “hormone induced psychosis” stabber, but a proper predator running down her prey. And we know these strong female predators would stalk other women because that’s who the cool guys stalk. Why does society make women the apex victims, but not the apex predators?

“I blame men. And YA fiction” says a source not authorized to speak publicly about the new book “Bebe la Strangiato”.

“Men define society. They can’t deny they do, and we shouldn’t let them forget that. And this society of man defines things like gender roles and draws a neat box around acceptable relationships. 14% of Americans in 2024 believe that vampires exist and not a single piece of anti-vampire legislation is pending in state legislatures. I have not seen a post about illegal vampires eating women walking their dogs in Springfield. Not one. Clearly these 14% are okay with that. So long as it’s a cis male vampire US citizen and a cis female human woman. About half a percent of Americans are trans and yet there were 668 pieces of anti-trans legislation. Zero for vampires, demons, lizard people or ghosts, which 40% believe exist around us. Curious. Or complicit?”

These are some of the issues woven into the buzzy new book. “Bebe la Striangiato” By Tor Underhill is a lot. It’s contemporary urban fantasy, a genre that combines traditional fantasy elements of magic and other humanoid races like elves and orcs and sets them in modern day Pittsburgh. If you’ve been there recently, you know that Pittsburgh is no longer the elaborate fantasy medieval world it was back in the 1980s. And yet, the city has deep ties to both the supernatural and advanced quantum computing.

“People get nervous when sorcerers break out of the medieval fantasy worlds and start mucking around in your real one, twisting the minds of scientists and influencers. Contemporary urban fantasy makes people uncomfortable because it puts what some see as divine power into the hands of humans. I’ve seen polling from YouGov that shows over 20% of Americans believe magic and spellcasting are influencing society. The number of Americans who believe in magic are almost four times the number of Americans who self-identify as LGBTQUI+. I’ve been drunk before so I’m convinced the true number is much higher. I mean the gay thing, not for magic. I’ve never been drunk enough to transmogrify into a bat. And yet, in a 2024 poll from the LA Times, 28% of Americans say that same sex relationships are wrong in all forms. All forms. But what if sorcery is real? If we just blame magic for our sexual preferences, would we all be okay with that? Internal polling shows some intriguing results.”

“Bebe la Striangiato” is the first of a series (With Love, Death & Chaos) dealing with a Chaos lord, bound to serve an eternal corporation that creates life for the whims of immensely wealthy cosmic beings.

“Imagine what sort of world we would be living in if the world’s richest man defined its parameters and had agents to control the future of society. Who wouldn’t be here? Which of us would be hunted, or cast out into the darkness? Maybe trans people. Maybe certain races. Maybe straight white guys. Okay, probably not straight white guys. But it’s scary to think about.”

Yian Rando Steele, the Chaos lord is bound to a cycle of rebirth in perpetual bondage to the Syrinx Corporation. There are other embodiments of primal forces like him that are compelled to move the arc of civilizations towards the goals of their god-like owners. Yian is biologically male or female, depending on what human skin he’s reborn into. Living countless lives as male or female gives the character an identity of sexual freedom that is challenging the fantasy genre. And some readers.

“I didn’t set out to write books to rally all the fun people to the rainbow banner. I just got tired of hearing voters think they get a say in how our parts interconnect,” says the author, from a secure location. “There’s gotta be more important issues for them to complain about. Don’t they have bigger problems? Like what would these truthers say if the human race were suddenly attacked by a totally different race. Would they still care that the weapons some badass woman was using to slay Orcs weren’t gender appropriate, or what she had on under her armor. And I don’t mean in some fantasy world setting, but in this real one. Say next month. In New York when the Orcs attack the subway. Not that I know anything about that. But we all know that the first signs of an orc vanguard are goblin lights in New Jersey. And then Cthulhu sends crawlers from beyond the wall of sleep.”

The biggest questions concern quantum weirdness. Google Quantum AI founder Hartmut Neven wrote in a December 2024 blog post that the mind-bogging performance of Google’s new quantum computing chip “lends credence to the notion that quantum computation occurs in many parallel universes, in line with the idea that we live in a multiverse, a prediction first made by David Deutsch”. In “Bebe La Strangiato,” the eternal form of Chaos and the eternal form of Passion are entwined in a love at the quantum level. Is this possible?

“The simple answer is yes.” says a source familiar with eternal love. “We know that particles become entangled through strange attraction. That attraction we feel for another person isn’t controllable. It’s the interaction between particles and electromagnetism in our brain interacting with particles in other minds, plausibly in other dimensions. Love is controlled in ways we don’t understand by the same spooky attraction at a distance, as Einstein called it. Classical physics beats the idea of eternal love into the ground. But the modern interpretation doesn’t prove that we aren’t bound to another forever, drawing us together in an elaborate dance. That’s the realities of quantum mechanics.

“Not all these entanglements produce tangible results, like a wedding or sex. Some of us have a connection with another soul in an entirely different universe, or even all of the universes. But the hard part from a scientific standpoint is trust. You couldn’t trust eternal beings. Inevitably they will lie. That’s basic probability theory. I would be skeptical of anyone proclaiming that their love is eternal. The attraction is eternal. What we do after we attract love, well, that’s where the math gets fuzzy.”

The source explained with a formula that scrolled across the screen that since we can’t control these connections, it was inevitable that our actions are bound to bring our eternal love to us at the worst possible times. Eternal love was fraught with peril.

“Imagine alienating your eternal love to the point that they break up with you. In some facet of the multiverse, your exes have attained gods-like power. That’s going to be a rough breakup. The love is gone, but the attraction never leaves. It would draw the two of you together into an eternal cycle of breakups. Even classical physics is clear on how that resentment will build into a violent cycle of co-dependent hatred. We have yet to understand the extent that magic or, say, Cthulhu plays in breakups. But we know with high certainty that other women are most certainly implicated in them.”

Even with those truths, “Bebe la Strangiato” is not without controversy. The book suggests what would happen if the insurance executives that control our lives require men to take a new wonder drug that cures all sorts of things to save them money. I mean save lives. And what happens if the side effect of that drug is to make anal stimulation a rapturous, quasi-religious experience... for men.

We’re familiar with the inequality of drug creation that disincentives women’s medicine. Men simply take priority. But what happens to the front lines of the culture war when male pleasure centers are magically re-wired?

“Again, men define society, they determine what’s acceptable, what’s right. Men can easily re-define the guard rails of normality because there are so many of them in power. The manosphere can put men on the moon and men into the White House. A sudden wonder drug that happens to make men do what they considered gay before will be easy to sell. Men will just redefine sexuality, they might suddenly be less concerned about what combination of parts are used for sexual gratification. That’s the power men have in society. They just make things up.” Said a source not authorized to speak officially about Men.

Contact Information
Facebook, X: bytor.underhill

The book “Bebe la Strangiato” (With Love, Death & Chaos book 1) is available through Amazon:

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