The Authors Show® serves as a resource for authors and allows members to engage in promotion and publicity for marketing purposes. The site offers professionally produced radio interviews that are broadcast worldwide.  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE / PRURGENT
Don McCauley of the Free Publicity Focus Group and Danielle Hampson, Executive Producer of The Authors Show®, founders of The Authors Marketing Powerhouse, have announced The Authors Show® radio and broadcast schedule for the week of September 18, 2023. The new show schedule is available at The Authors Show® site.
For those who hope to sell books on the Internet, the challenge can be daunting. It can be confusing difficult, time consuming and expensive. The Authors Show® helps authors overcome these challenges by providing opportunities for greater visibility.
The Authors Show® radio shows offer professionally produced radio interviews that are broadcast worldwide. The upcoming scheduled radio lineups include:
The Authors Show schedule for the week of September 18, 2023
Sep 18
Channel 1 Kathy J Forti (USA)
Channel 2 Kimberly Dean (USA)
Channel 3 Pam Ostrowski (USA)
Channel 4 Donna Louis (USA)
Channel 5 Valerie Doherty (USA)
Channel 6 Sally Aderton (USA)
Channel 7 Alfred James Dansbury, Sr. (USA)
Channel 8 Dr Glenn Losack (USA)
Sep 19
Channel 1 Dennis Galloway (USA)
Channel 2 Rocky Romanella (USA)
Channel 3 Deb Radcliff (USA)
Channel 4 Michelle Rene DeBellis (USA)
Channel 5 Deborah Wynne (USA)
Channel 6 Evelyn M. Leite (USA)
Channel 7 Jody Sharpe (USA)
Channel 8 Joann Keder (USA)
Sep 20
Channel 1 Chris Bennett (USA)
Channel 2 Kady Hinojosa (USA)
Channel 3 Jason Davis (USA)
Channel 4 J. W. Webb (USA)
Channel 5 Danielle M Orsino (USA)
Channel 6 D. Terrence Foster, MD (USA)
Channel 7 Grace Blair (USA)
Channel 8 Colonel U. S. Army Ret. George A. Milton (USA)
Sep 21
Channel 1 Dani Resh (USA)
Channel 2 Wendy Sand Eckel (USA)
Channel 3 Ellwyn Autumn (USA)
Channel 4 M.J. Polelle (USA)
Channel 5 Paul A. Blake (Jamaica)
Channel 6 Donna Louis (USA)
Channel 7 Michael S. Zimmerman (USA)
Channel 8 Dan Juday (Ireland)
Sep 22 - Sep 24
Channel 1 M.G. Barlow (USA)
Channel 2 Jody Sharpe (USA)
Channel 3 Anthony Rondeau (USA)
Channel 4 Madison K. Thames (USA)
Channel 5 Sam Libraty (USA)
Channel 6 Linda Maria Frank (USA)
Channel 7 Alfred James Dansbury, Sr. (USA)
Channel 8 Armenia Jess (Saudi Arabia)
Don McCauley is a marketing strategist and is the facilitator of the Free Publicity Focus Group, a marketing and publicity firm. He also serves as the host of The Authors Show® radio. Danielle Hampson is the Executive Producer of The Authors Show®. |