St Francis Bay, South Africa – Stockbridge Books is proud to offer the latest book from Robert Falconer, Embodied Afterlife: The Hope of an Immediate Resurrection, available from Amazon and online outlets:  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE / PRURGENT
Embodied Afterlife is a groundbreaking new book that explores the concept of the afterlife and what it means to be resurrected in a physical body. Written by South African theologian, Dr. Robert Falconer, this book is a must-read for anyone seeking answers to the age-old question of what happens to us after we die. In this book, Falconer presents a compelling argument for the idea that our souls are at once resurrected in new physical bodies after we die, rather than waiting for some distant future resurrection. Drawing on a wide range of theological, biblical and philosophical sources, he presents a compelling case for the hope of an immediate resurrection. He also explores the practical implications of this hope, from how we should live our lives in light of the hope of resurrection, to how we can find comfort and solace in the face of death.
“We can participate in the resurrection even now in a resurrection pilgrimage until that day when we are glorified with Christ. We do this by centering our lives around loving and serving others, even our enemies; reflecting on the reality of our coming death and the afterlife; living in the hope of an immediate resurrection; being hopeful even in suffering because we know that resurrection glory is unsurpassable. Our lives ought to be shaped by this glorious hope.”
For many Christians, one of the most important aspects of their faith is the sure and certain knowledge that they will be reborn after death, resurrected to live on forever, free from suffering and pain. Most of us imagine that this is a distant future event. We have conflicting information about heaven being an eternal disembodied spiritual state or a temporal disembodied state, where one waits for the general resurrection. But what if there was an alternative?
Embodied Afterlife is intended to shape the way we think about the afterlife and bring that expectation into sharper focus so that we may all follow in Jesus’ footsteps in resurrected life as he has conquered death, with the knowledge that the physical resurrection we seek is not in some distant future but immediate.
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