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Thu, 13 Mar 2025 12:56:55 -0500
2022-11-22 Print

New book addresses divorce from a child’s perspective

I have been an attorney for over four decades helping couples through the divorce process. Most books that take you through the divorce process are from the perspective of the parents, but many never really address the process form a child’s perspective.

November 22, 2022

Book information:
Barker Cane Land - Healing a Child's Divorce Grief
by Jeanne M. Colombo Esq.

For more information, contact:
Jeanne M. Colombo Esq.
(585) 314-5321
Email address:

Do you worry about talking to your kids about your divorce?
Our children's book provides a safe place to start the divorce conversation.

Most books that take you through the divorce process are from the perspective of the parents, but many never really address the process from the child's perspective. Our book, beautifully illustrated, is a magical story of spiritual wisdom and practical tools to help children through the divorce process by addressing many of your child's feelings that may lead to anxiety, sadness and depression. A 15 minute read that provides a safe space to start your divorce conversation with your child.

"Helping your child to gently handle the various divorce challenges with humor, and kindness, is the best gift I can give to the children of my clients."
-Jeanne M. Colombo, Esq., Author

“This children’s book, by lawyer and first-time children’s author, Jeanne Colombo, is a charming and engaging book. As a source of insights for children experiencing grief over their parents’ divorce, it punches far above its weight.

As a judge who has heard the stories of thousands of families whose children are processing their parents’ divorce, I can think of no better resource for parents and therapists to use to convey the insights found here to children of teen or pre-teen years. Ms. Colombo’s book empowers children to make the transition to separate households, enriched by each, and avoiding the pitfalls of choosing sides.”
-Honorable David G. Price
Supreme Court Matrimonial Justice, Toronto, Canada

"Barker Cane Land is a great, fast read! The wonderful illustrations reflect the words of wisdom of the magical Barker Canes, midway carnival prizes, which offer practical techniques on how to come out on the other side of divorce grief from the point of view of young people, like me."
-Justin W., Rochester NY

Barker Cane Land is a gift to children of divorcing parents. The lessons are imparted by magical and spiritual Barker Canes, the prizes from the old carnival midways. The Dog (Allegiance), the Horse (Glory), the Elephant (the Grand Presence), and all the rest are truly amazing. A Brilliant Surprise.
- Renee P, Naples FL

As a child who survived my parents' break up, I wish I had access to this magical book as a reference resource. This is a straightforward, but kind way, to impart wisdom on this difficult subject. There are very useful lessons on coping with stress, anxiety and loss. Quite helpful!
- Jessica S, Penfield, NY

Jeanne M. Colombo, Esq. is an attorney with over four decades of in the trenches experience in the field of matrimonial law. She has litigated, collaborated and negotiated for thousands of her clients in the complex world of divorce and custody. Jeanne has helped restructure, reestablish, and repair many families.

The purpose of the book is to present a complicated and difficult subject in a transcendent, kind and thoughtful way. The Barkers Cane prizes from a 1946 carnival Midway each have their own advice on helping the Young Lad, Tryon, look at his situation and discover a way forward to being healed.

Allegiance, the Dog Cane, speaks of devotion and loyalty to family. Glory, the Horse Cane, is the warrior who conveys confidence and power. Zesty, the Pig Cane, explains inner courage and family support. Roma, the Dice Cane, delivers the Crystal Ball of the future and positive change. Finally, the Grand Presence, the Elephant Cane, imparts the wisdom of Love and Light.

Come join the Barker Canes. Step up and win the Prize for yourself and your family.

Contact Jeanne by phone, or email, and ask how to get a review copy of the book.

Jeanne M. Colombo Esq.
774 Monroe Ave
Rochester, NY 14607
(585) 314-5321


Contact Info
Jeanne M. Colombo Esq.
774 Monroe Avenue, Rochester NY 14607, USA

Phone: (585) 242-9990
