What do you get when you mix paranormal activity with American history? The Ghost Doctors ghost hunting adventures through the Smithsonian National Museum of American History of course!  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE / PRURGENT
This Summer, noted paranormal investigators and tour guides extraordinaire, the “Ghost Doctors” known from coast to coast-will be leading groups of newly inducted ghost hunters through the spectacular wings, hallways and galleries of the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History in search of its ghostly spirits. After these brave recruits receive a crash course in the fundamentals of ghost hunting 101, which will include the proper use of a whole doctors bag of ghost hunting equipment as well as how to photograph signs of paranormal activity -- they'll be up to the challenge to begin their supernatural adventure.
The Ghost Doctors will be exploring the Smithsonian National Museum of American History like a scene out of an Indiana Jones movie in their quest to find its ghostly inhabitants. And since the NMAH is one of Smithsonian's most visited hot spots that includes everything from President Lincoln's top hat to Dorothy's Ruby Slippers...it's the perfect setting for one ghostly paranormal outing.
“The Smithsonian National Museum of American History is known as America's Attic that's packed with some of the nations greatest treasures whose collection encompass 1.8 million timeless objects displayed within 750,000 square-feet of dazzling galleries and amazing dioramas...which makes these ghost hunts the ideal place for one heck of paranormal safari,” says Dr. Stew.”
The Ghost Doctors say each and every ghost hunt is unique as they never know what will turn up during one of their paranormal excursions. And in the case of the Smithsonian National Museum of American History, its wondrous galleries and one of kind American artifacts opens the door for a treasure trove of ghostly excitement.
Ghost Doctors (https://www.ghostdoctors.com) is Northern Virginia's and Washington DC's only ghost tour that actually allows participants to experience “real” ghost hunts through some of the Metro region's most iconic locations. Their ghosts hunts are open for public, private and corporate events. |