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Thu, 13 Mar 2025 15:41:50 -0500
2022-03-15 Print

A Fascinating Retelling of the El Paso Bath Riots of 1917

NYT Bestselling Author, Parris Afton Bonds, Wrote a Happy Ending for a Young Rebel


Motina Books Publishing is releasing Reluctant Rebel by NYT bestselling author, Parris Afton Bonds, on March 15, 2022. The true story of Carmelita Torres, labeled the red-haired Amazon, does not have a happy ending. Bonds wanted to change that.

The true story is that in 1917, a seventeen-year-old redhaired Mexican housemaid, Carmelita Torres, started a riot on the El Paso-Juarez bridge in protest against being forcibly sprayed with chemicals for typhus by the Public Health Department. The riot made international news.

It eventually involved over a thousand protestors and shut down traffic both ways on the bridge for three days. Dubbed the Redhaired Amazon by newspapers, Carmelita was arrested that day, and then abruptly disappeared from history and time. No one knows what happened to her. It’s believed that she was killed.

“That’s why I wanted to write a happy ending for this intrepid young woman,” states Bonds. “She deserved to find love and live a long, happy life. And we need to talk about the atrocities of history, to make sure they never happen again.”

What are these atrocities? At the heart of Reluctant Rebel is the horrible mistreatment of the Mexican workers. Racism was rampant. The early Nazi party was inspired by this mistreatment, when it came to creating the formula they used in gas chambers.

This reimagined part of Texas history is filled with suspense, romance, and intrigue; readers will cheer for the young woman who stood up for herself and thousands of others.

About the Author
Parris Afton Bonds is the mother of five sons and the author of nearly fifty published novels. She is co-founder and first vice president of Romance Writers of America, as well as cofounder of Southwest Writers Workshop.

Declared by ABC’s Nightline as one of three best-selling authors of romantic fiction, the New York Times best seller Parris Afton Bonds has been featured in major newspapers and magazines and published in more than a dozen languages.

The Parris Award was established in her name by the Southwest Writers Workshop to honor a published writer who has given outstandingly of time and talent to other writers.

Prestigious recipients of the Parris Award include Tony Hillerman and the Pulitzer nominee Norman Zollinger.

In 2021 Ms. Bonds moved from Texas to Mexico.

Contact Info
Diane Windsor/Motina Books
115 Colt Street
Van Alstyne, TX 75495]]]

Phone: 303-668-0440
