Becky Aud-Jennison, the founder of The Death Dialogues Project, releases a different type of book on Grief and Loss  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE / PRURGENT
Motina Books Publishing is releasing Death and its Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Beautiful Lessons: Field Notes from the Death Dialogues Project by author and podcast host Becky Aud-Jennison on February 22, 2022. This heartfelt book is composed of stories from people who have lost loved ones and believe in the power of sharing these stories.
Aud-Jennison launched The Death Dialogues Project and subsequent podcast in 2018 with the goal of normalizing conversations surrounding death. She discusses the new-to-us (while actually ancient) ideas of keeping your loved one’s body at home for as long as possible, and practicing “green” burial techniques as opposed to embalming and purchasing expensive caskets.
But the heart of the Project revolves around the story – the story of the mother, the child, the sibling, and everyone else who endeavors to keep alive the memory of the people they’ve lost. This book accomplishes this task beautifully.
“There is an international movement of taking ownership of death and being more open about all topics surrounding death,” says Aud-Jennison. “Conversely, the overall majority continue to walk through life as if they can hide from Death. Feelings and conversations surrounding loss and grief are stifled because our overall culture hasn't made its peace with accepting Death as part of living.”
The gorgeous cover by artist Felicia Olin, in conjunction with the emotional stories, makes this the perfect book to gift a friend who is grieving. Available where books are sold.
About the Author
After a lengthy career in human services and as a mental health clinician, Becky Aud-Jennison now considers herself a therapist gone rogue, creating The Death Dialogues Project and podcast to open an alternative space to support people and assist our society in easing the topic of death out of the closet. |