With the success of the Johnson #2 well and other projects, Kroh Exploration is looking at more real estate.  Fort Worth, TX, Nov. 2021 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Kroh Exploration is an exploration and production company dedicated to increasing oil and gas reserves domestically using existing wells. The company uses cutting edge recovery methods to restore wells to their former glory days of production. Kroh Exploration is owned and operated by President and CEO Brett Kroh and Vice President/Partner Jeremy “JB” Yowell.
Currently, one of Kroh Exploration’s main focuses is on the Johnson #2. The gas well is located in Wise County in North Texas. It was originally drilled as a Barnett well back in the mid-2000’s. Reworking the well was a little risky and proved to be challenging. CEO/Founder Brett Kroh stated “We went to battle with this well. We almost lost it due to some fracturing issues, but came out ahead! It is now producing gas consistently.”
The current high gas prices are attractive to oil and gas companies. “The higher the price, the higher the profit. It helps to justify the cost of drilling brand new wells and reentry projects” said Kroh. It is always less costly to do a reentry as opposed to drilling a new well, which is obviously beneficial. Assets acquired when gas prices were low are now bringing great success to Kroh Exploration. VP Jeremy “JB” Yowell said “Now is definitely the time to turn these wells on to generate cash flow.”
With the success of the Johnson #2 well and other projects, Kroh Exploration is looking at more real estate. They are currently in talks to purchase 1,000 acres in North Texas for potential reentry jobs and digging new wells. “We’re excited to see the possibilities of this new acquisition,” said Kroh. The company plans on continuing to expand and to drill more wells in Texas.
About ALG Holdings:
ALG Holdings was founded by entrepreneur Jeremy “JB” Yowell. He got his start in oil and gas as a fundraiser, and later on found himself owning his own exploration company. After a decade in that industry, JB decided it was time to expand his financial and administrative acumen into other industries and endeavors.
About Kroh Exploration:
Kroh Exploration is dedicated to increasing domestic oil and gas reserves through improving production from existing wells. The company hopes to minimize its ecological impact by taking wells that are aged, neglected, or abandoned, and bringing them back to their former glory with cutting edge recovery methods. |