Sharpe is the author of a number of award-winning books and videos for adults and children that can help readers and viewers find hope, inspiration and gratitude.  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE / PRURGENT
A high percentage of people worldwide believe in angels. Some of us believe we have a guardian angel who helps us navigate the world. Others believe angels visit us from time to time. Of course, angels play a major role in many religions. Some of us have actually met an angel. Award winning author Jody Sharpe is one of those people. The experience encouraged her to do what she does best - write books about angels who live among us, the central theme in her Mystic Bay Series. The series is comprised of four books, the first of which, The Angel's Daughter, is available on Kindle Unlimited.
Jody attended the most recent Payson Book Festival where she met many people who have experienced an angelic presence on earth. In a recent blog post she wrote:
“I love meeting people that pass by my table. I ask each and every one if they have seen an angel and most have had one experience. One woman told me she knows her angel is near but cannot visually see her. The angel, keeps watch over her and has all her life. Another man, dressed in cowboy hat and shirt, told me he knew there were angels because he was near eighty years old and still alive after a few life threatening experiences. One woman told me an unseen angel pushed her car to safety in a snow storm, the handprints of someone were left on the snowy back of the car.
“The more I write angel stories, and ask people about angels, the more I believe. The novels I write set in the fictional town of Mystic Bay, are prayerfully engraved in my heart. Recounting my teaching career with special needs students in my memoir, Special Needs Children The Angels On My Shoulder, gives readers hopefully an enlightened message. These students showed me their hearts of angels, changing my world to one of purpose and inspiration. And years ago, I met a man months after losing my daughter, Kate. He comforted me with his presence. He seemed like an ordinary human but the second day I saw him, I knew he was a heavenly being miraculously sent to comfort me. He became the inspiration for my Mystic Bay Series where angels live as humans and no one knows the secret.
“As I write I find a loving heart can survive loss and inspire others with stories about angels. The angel stories from friends and perfect strangers help me write. These people, some who I may never meet again, are all kind and loving souls willing to share. They are angels on earth to me.”
The full text of the piece is available at her website.
Other books by Jody Sharpe include:
Town of Angels - It is angel vs. bully in the town of Mystic Bay, California, where a well kept secret lies. Angels live as humans there. After angels appeared to three children all was blissful in the town full of psychics, and ordinary folk. But as a bully, Klaus Waxman, comes to town, Angel Ken Leighton, a storeowner, must carefully guide his flock of humans not to give to in to the bully’s efforts. As Klaus opens a store mocking the resident angels sightings, Angel Ken guides psychic Justine Greer and her family to thwart his efforts. And with the help of the indomitable oldest psychic in town, Madam Norma, the bully meets his match with soft voices and intuitive minds…
Midwest's review of 'Town of Angels' said, "Those who welcome the thought, appearance, and approaches of angels in everyday life will relish the positive notes, mystery, and problem-solving attitudes of angel and human alike in this gentle story of kindness, hope, belief, and resolving differences."
To Catch An Angel - Jody is also the author of 'To Catch An Angel', written in memory of her late husband Steve. In 'To Catch An Angel', miracles happen in Mystic Bay, California, the town with the psychic and angel vibe. Angels are calling. Psychic Maggie Malone returns home to find she's swept up in the miracle of it all. She can't imagine why her mother left or who her father might be. But these questions pale in comparison to the wonder of the angels. Maggie meets writer, Noah Greenstreet. They realize they've met before, but where? Maggie and Noah embark on a journey to find our world is all awash with angels.
The Angel's Daughter - A secret lies in Mystic Bay, California and only two people know it. First there’s Hannah, a tender curly headed half Angel Then there’s her father, Gabe, an effervescent, teddy bear of a full-blooded angel. And it’s up to Hannah to keep the secret safe but she’s made a colossal mistake telling her ex-boyfriend and writing professor, Sam Blakely. Now he’s written a book exposing the secret to the world.
Town of Angels Christmas, A Tale Of Love And Animal Rescue' features the same town and many of the characters from ‘Town of Angels’. In this new novel, Sharpe addresses a number of new issues for her characters to deal with, including animal rescue.
Readers of the Mystic Bay Series who wish to start with the first book in the series can now access’ The Angel's Daughter’ on Kindle Unlimited. The book serves as a great introduction to Jody's concept of angels on earth.
'Special Needs Children, The Angels On My Shoulder' is a memoir based on her twenty-five years teaching children with special needs. The book placed second in the National Federation Of Press Women’s At-Large Communication contest. The book is as entertaining as it is illuminating. It’s a love story about the special students and others who over the years graced her life with just that, their grace.
With hearts of angels and challenges to face, the children took Sharpe along their journeys and inspired her own life’s journey of self-discovery. When sorrow came, their kindness helped her through. The synchronicity of events from high school to retirement changed her life for the better, turning her face toward heaven.
Midwest Book Review stated, "Sharpe's ability to see the good in circumstances and people identifies the 'special' in 'special needs' as she delineates her journey through the education system and those teaching and social encounters which changed her perspective and life.
"Teachers (especially those working with special needs kids) will find this spiritual and social reflection easily accessible. It's presented in vignettes which offer small, digestible bites of insight into a world where angels and kindness are present in more than one form."
‘Special Needs Children’ followed her recently released children's book about angels, ‘When The Angel Sent Butterflies’. The new book helps children understand that love from their parents and others surrounds them. Love conquers fear and believing that angels are near can help sweep any childhood fear away. This concept is presented in the book when Angel Ken sends Jones and Kate butterflies. The book, appropriate for ages 2 to 7, is now available at Amazon and Ingram.
In addition, on the 'Tuesdays With The Angels' section of her site, Sharpe presents stories of real life encounters with angels. The stories are available at Sharpe's website at
Sharpe hopes to create a collection of angel stories that involve sightings of angels, interaction with angels, miraculous angel encounters and other types of accounts or stories. Everyone is welcome to submit angel stories. All submissions will be considered, but inclusion is not guaranteed. Stories may be submitted at
Sharpe's Youtube channel brings all of this together, offering segments on all of these topics. One topic of special interest is bullying, specifically as it relates to special needs children.
In addition to the National Federation of Press Women’s award, Jody was chosen as a winner in the annual '50 Great Writers You Should Be Reading' Book Awards'. She was chosen from a field of hundreds of authors through a public voting process.
Jody Sharpe is available for media interviews and can be reached using the information below, or by email at sharpejody76 Angel stories can be submitted at All of her books are available at online book retailers. New quotes will be added every Tuesday to the 'Tuesdays With The Angels' section of her blog, which can be found at her website at
Jody Sharpe had a rewarding career as a Special Education teacher. Writing about angels became healing after losing her daughter and then her husband. The valuable lessons she learned about moving forward and loving life in the now have set her on a mission to tell the stories with love, humor and spiritual awakening. The fictitious town of Mystic Bay has given her an avenue to put characters and themes together hopefully enlightening the reader towards contemplation of the precious life and memories we are given. |