PR Urgent - Press Release News Wire

Wed, 23 Oct 2024 08:16:53 -0500
2021-06-29 Print

PixelPlex Launches its Highly Effective Accessible Web Development and Design Team

PixelPlex gives information on its highly inclusive web design and development services that are aimed at ensuring inclusivity for all and sundry.


PixelPlex, a blockchain development company gives more extensive information on its ADA-compliant website design ( PixelPlex believes that web accessibility should be at the core of every website, as such, it builds websites that people can work with; irrespective of their disability.

PixelPlex believes that compliance with the Americans with Disability Act is essential to the growth of businesses. One of the benefits it noted on its website is legal protection through the avoidance of ADA non-compliance lawsuits, fines and penalties.
PixelPlex also noted that by optimizing a website to be ADA compliant, you’re guaranteed to have a consistent rise in webpage visitors. The company further reiterated that it’s best for users to add personalized support for a more pronounced client satisfaction rate.

Alexei Dulub, who’s the CEO of PixelPlex says that the company has a policy that guarantees that all codes are pristinely clean and are manually tested with highly sophisticated automated tools and effective screen readers. PixelPlex ensures streamlined page maintenance through the automating of codes.

PixelPlex has a full team of web accessibility service experts that ensures that all the projects are universally comprehensible. It claims that all its web projects are easy to surf for all types of users. PixelPlex tailors websites and other online platforms to suit people with visual; hearing; motor; and cognitive issues.
PixelPlex developers and accessibility specialists guarantee that all websites adhere to the latest web development trends; have a personalized and highly integral approach; masterful & creative designers; top-notch website maintenance consultancy; and a high policy adherent platform.

PixelPlex has a robust team with a track record of satisfying its clients. Some of the companies they’ve consulted for include PCG, ICF, AccessibilityOz, and even the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.

About PixelPlex

PixelPlex is a highly disruptive blockchain-centric company with a pool of highly knowledgeable professionals in creating accessible web designs.

Contact Info
520 West 28th St.
Suite 31
New York, NY 10001

Phone: +1 646 490 0772
