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Tue, 10 Sep 2024 11:53:59 -0500
2021-05-10 Print

Announcing Zpryme’s Utility Response Benchmarking Platform

Austin, TX (May 10, 2021) – Zpryme, an Austin-based energy and technology research company, announced today the launch of its Utility Response Benchmarking Platform.


Utility Response is a strategic utility-consumer data gathering, analysis and insights research project designed to provide industry executives with the intelligence required to monitor, track, and adapt to disruptive changes in the industry.

Zpryme gathers data from utilities, residential customers, commercial and industrial customers, and regulators as a part of this research. The offering delivers four Utility Insights Reports released throughout 2021, supported by quarterly and monthly Consumer Data Reports examining the current state of key topics and disruptive technologies.

Zpryme annually surveys over 3,500 utilities globally and over 25,000 U.S. customers to identify market trends in the energy, utility, technology and clean energy sectors. An annual subscription to the Utility Response platform allows utility executives and managers to stay ahead of the most important trends that are transforming the energy and power industries.

Jason Rodriguez, Zpryme CEO, reminds us that “Einstein observed you can’t solve problems with the same thinking and situations that produced out-of-date systems. By providing curated intelligence reports and analyses, Zpryme’s Utility Response platform elevates understanding of the utility-customer and regulatory landscape that is transforming this critical public-private sector before our eyes.”

Utility and consumer reports focus on the following topics:

Utility Insights Reports

1.Managing Disruptive Change
•Section 1 - Pathways: Utility Business Models of the Future
•Section 2 - Foresight: New Energy Technologies
•Section 3 - Acceleration: Leading Change through Innovation
•Section 4 - Adaption: Building a Rapid Response to Changing Expectations

2.Disruptive Technologies to Watch
•Section 5 - Cognitive Dissonance: Utilizing Artificial Intelligence without Losing Your Mind
•Section 6 - Fintech Currencies: Digitizing Financial Transactions
•Section 7 - Extending Reality: Immersion Technologies that Enable Insights
•Section 8 - Robotic Futures: Paving the Way to Autonomy

3.Commercial and Industrial Customer Perspectives
•Section 9 - Communication Evolved: Real-time Understanding of Large-scale Customer Impacts and Needs
•Section 10 - Flexible Loads: Balancing Local Partnerships for Grid Benefit
•Section 11 - Distributed Energy: Architecting the Decentralized Grid of the Future
•Section 12 - Building Efficiency: Beyond the Light Bulb, Reducing Energy Costs with a Portfolio Approach

4.The Workforce of the Future
•Section 13 - Enabling Technology: Collaboration Tools for the Modern Workforce
•Section 14 - Employer Roles: Evolution Toward Flexible Work
•Section 15 - Values-based Work: Attracting and Retaining Talent

Four Monthly Consumer Data Reports
•Consumer Electric Vehicles (EVs)
•Climate & Renewables
•Storm Response & Solar Home Generation
•Customer Engagement & Mobile Customer Experience (CX)

Four Quarterly Consumer Data Reports
•Industry Customer Experience Ratings
•Consumer Data and Privacy
•Remote Work
•Digital Payments

Erin Autin, Sr. Director of Research and Content, states “Zpryme’s Utility Response keeps a finger on the pulse of how utilities and consumers are thinking about important emerging technologies. Being able to easily monitor trends and view different segments of the market will allow utilities to quickly adapt to changes in the industry.”

To learn more and subscribe, go to Utility Response website.

About Zpryme
Based in Austin, Texas, Zpryme is a research-based firm with agency-geared services focused on energy, technologies, and community building. Based on the creative direction of our associates, Zpryme produces influential research and events that challenge the status quo and marketing solutions for fully-immersive brand experiences. For more information, visit

Zpryme Media Contact:
Ricky Murray
Senior Director of Marketing

Contact Info
100 Congress Ave
Suite 2000
Austin, TX 78701

Phone: 5127097432
