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Sun, 08 Sep 2024 07:45:19 -0500
2021-02-21 Print

The First Disability-Focused Planner Released During Texas Freeze, Brings Warmth

Wedding Planning for Spoonies, the first disability-focused wedding planner book, was released during the Texas freeze on Valentines day, providing a beacon of hope and warmth for the planner and her community.


December 19, 2020, Round Rock, TX, USA -Wedding Planning for Spoonies is the very first wedding planning book centering on disability. The book was published on February 14, 2021, the first day the ice storm hit central Texas. During the days of blackouts and cold, the book offered some levity and a drive to share the love in a dark time.

“The book focuses on love as the center of a wedding. That’s why we have weddings, this is why there is an all-inclusive wedding planner now in existence. Sharing the news of the book during the Texas Freeze made people react positively and helped me focus on what could help me get through my dark, cold moments during the storm,” -- Meara Bartlett, author

Wedding Planning for Spoonies: Inspiration & Tips for Chronically Ill and Disabled Couples intends to serve the disabled community in many ways. Planning a wedding for anyone is difficult. However, disabled people face significant prejudice and unique difficulties when it comes to wedding planning. Wedding Planning for Spoonies looks to empower disabled couples on their journey to matrimony with tips and inspiration and inform wedding vendors of a disabled couple’s struggle to improve the industry.

Wedding Planning for Spoonies centers on the premise that all people across abilities, genders and sexualities deserve to be loved, and celebrate their love. The question is, how? How should a wheelchair user find a suitable venue? Or should you plan for an army of wedding attendants if you have chronic pain symptoms? The book releases February 14, 2021. Purchase a copy on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Walmart or Apple Books. and follow Meara’s author page. To receive a review copy, use Booksprout for an eBook or contact Meara directly for a paperback.

Meara Bartlett is a graduate student at Texas State University studying Technical Writing with a concentration on social justice in technology. She planned two weddings to the same man, because she had a medical emergency and had to scrap her originally planned ceremony and create a new one in 48 hours. Meara writes for Offbeat Bride, The Mighty, Uncomfortable Revolution, and Rock n’ Roll Bride. There she interacts with fellow disabled brides, who helped with writing Wedding Planning for Spoonies.

Meara Bartlett
2434 Roundabout Ln,
Round Rock, TX 78664
(512) 422-9640


Contact Info
Meara Bartlett
2434 Roundabout Ln
Round Rock, TX 78664

Phone: 5124229640
