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2020-12-18 Print

Introducing - One Stop Shop For Quality eBooks At Slashed Prices

Ebooks Cheaper today announced the launch of its new eBook retail platform. Sit back, relax and enjoy the PDF eBooks from


Miami, FL - Ebooks Cheaper today announced the launch of its new eBook retail platform. The store is nicely laid out and designed for browsing and discovery. Enter a whole new universe of options for children and inspire a love of reading. The new website now gives the ability to enjoy eBooks using a wide range of technologies. The company hopes to differentiate itself by reducing the time required for a customer purchase and offering an extensive inventory of titles in multiple, secure formats. Customers will be able to make their selection faster from over 2,000 titles in addition to a robust search tool and will be able to maintain their own “wish list” and enjoy free membership. Plans are for hundreds of titles to be added each month from new publishers. Central to the change is an entire new suite of capabilities designed to deliver a more satisfying purchasing experience.

They include:

- Expanded Inventory: Customers now have access to over 2,000 eBook titles – making the eBook Store one of the largest selection of eBooks in the marketplace today.

- New and improved Search Engine: Using state-of-the-art technology, the site offers different ways to filter search results from its “Advanced Search” page.

- Customer Integration: User reviews and ratings along with a customer avatar upload feature and Social Networking Element like Facebook and Twitter connectivity.

- Deal of the Day: Each day, a significantly reduced eBook featured on the homepage.

- Test Drives: First-time customers will have the opportunity to test drive free eBooks.

- Bundles: Customers can build their own eBook bundles based on specific themes they create.

Are eBooks cheaper than textbooks? New releases are usually cheaper as eBooks. If you prefer to buy books rather than borrowing from a library or a friend, you can save some money by sticking to digital releases. eBooks are typically released at the same time as their print counterparts but are often cheaper to purchase. Some people argue that ebooks should naturally be less expensive because there is no cost to print the book, there's no cost of paper, and no shipping expenses. Often times ebooks are priced lower than paper book copies, but newer titles from big publishers can get pretty pricey. Digital textbooks may be less expensive and make your book bag significantly lighter, but there is more to the cost than just money. Students will have a better chance in school if they learn from PDF textbooks.

Megan Wilson, CEO of EbooksCheaper says "the eBook Store was designed as a family friendly place with as wide a range of eBooks that are good for children as any place on earth!EbooksCheaper delivers tangible results to educators seeking to improve academic performance. We believe the company is well-positioned to grow, and are enthusiastic about management's plans for accelerated investment in product development and add-on acquisitions. You can find the books to inspire your child alongside books that educate and enterain them. Let them browse away for hours while they are waiting to grow up tall enough to enter the roller coaster ride of their dreams. Just click once and transport them to a safe and family friendly place!"

About us: ( believes in offering the broadest selection possible and aggressive pricing. We currently carry over 2,000 eBooks from the major publishers and small publishing houses. Our goal is to make it easy for you to find good quality eBooks, all in one place. eBooks are here to stay and we want to provide a quality site where people can find what they need quickly and easily. We strive to produce a large variety of eBooks for our readers pleasure and edification. With eBooks you can have the information you've been looking for in front of you in a matter of minutes! Plus you can search them, and have multiple copies at various locations. How can paper books compete?

Contact Info
471 NW 3rd St, Miami, FL 33128

Phone: 954.247.8485
