Fifty years after serving as an advisor to the Vietnamese Marine Corps, Marine Colonel Robert Fischer, a former lecturer on "Strategy and Tactics of the Insurgent" at the Naval War College, has "shot an azimuth" (set a compass course). He has assembled written works by selected Vietnam veterans. Their roles varied, yet these men's reflections, taken from their experiences, represent some of the best lessons learned. Each veteran has a unique story to tell, and an open-minded reader will discover answers to a wide range of lingering questions from that conflict. The lessons included are presented in various forms. Stories and personal narratives are the preferred formats, accompanied by references to command chronologies. Some lessons are offered, with suggestions for further reading and study. There are rebukes as well as simple reflections. But clearly, all the information shared has been earned through hard experience.
What some are saying about this newly written book:
"Echoes of Our War: Vietnam Veterans Reflect 50 Years Later" does a tremendous
job of capturing some of them. The stories shared are not limited to battlefield
experiences. They include the war fought afterward against Post Traumatic Stress
Disorder, Agent Orange exposure, and the memories of warrior bonds only death
terminated. Each story bears a lesson unto itself. Each storyteller seems to have
been haunted by the ghost of Vietnam past—one in need of expungement in order
to regain a life of normalcy. For some, defeating that ghost was more difficult than
others: yet in the end, so many came so far to do so. This book is a testimonial to all
who served. It tells of a war that, despite being poorly planned, was courageously
fought. It tells of a brotherhood forged on battlefields that remains intact for
survivors half a century later. It dispels the myth that many of those who returned
fell on hard times, unable to rejoin and contribute to society. Into Vietnam's valley
of death marched 2.7 million warriors; 58,220 failed to march back out. For those
who did, the reflections in this book let them know they are not alone.
LtCol James G. Zumwalt USMCR
Detachment Commander, 4th CAG Vietnam
Delta Company Commander, 1st Bn, 4th Marines Vietnam
Author, Bare Feet, Iron Will - Stories from the Other Side of Vietnam's Battlefields
Living the Juche Lie-North Korea's Kim Dynasty
Doomsday Iran-The Clock is Ticking
A writer of hundreds of op-eds on foreign policy and defense-related issues
Co-Edited by Grady T. Birdsong, Dan Guenther, and Mark Hardcastle
BOOK ISBN: 9781950647408 (The book is available on Amazon.com and in Barnes & Noble and most bookstores by order) |