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Tue, 11 Mar 2025 23:21:35 -0500
2020-07-30 Print

Former Hollywood Actress Debuts Amazon #1 New Release Chronicling Rescue Dog Who Saved Her from Suicide

10 Reasons Dogs Are the Absolute Best: A Book of Tiny Tails, from first-time author Amanda Gist, will have dog owners worldwide viewing their most loyal companions through new eyes.


July 30, 2020 | Reno, Nevada

At a time when depression and suicide rates are rising drastically in connection with Coronavirus, 10 Reasons Dogs Are the Absolute Best outlines both laughable and heart-tugging stories of a rescue dog named Haylie that enable those who may be losing hope to find something to hold onto - Amanda’s story of finding a reason to live.

Haylie’s impact on Amanda’s life is nothing short of remarkable, and will have pet owners across the globe finding a new appreciation for their relationships with those furry friends who share our hearts and homes.

Published by Soulful Creative Studios
ISBN: 978-1-7353711-0-8
Publishing date: 07/04/2020
Available online at

Amanda is a first-time author who moved into a career as a writer and speaker after leaving an acting career in Hollywood to take care of her failing mental and physical health. She writes and speaks on a wide range of topics, from the rescue dog that saved her to difficult conversations about mental health and eating disorders. Her passion is personal growth topics like self-compassion, feeding your soul, finding your truth, and learning to get back up after a dream has been shattered. She blogs and offers free resources at

If you’d like more information about or a review copy of 10 Reasons Dogs Are the Absolute Best, or to schedule an interview with Amanda, please contact (310) 902-1039 or


Contact Info
Amanda Gist
PO Box 18443
Reno, NV 89511

Phone: 3109021039
