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Tue, 11 Mar 2025 23:22:35 -0500
2020-07-27 Print

Author turns dream into unique mystery series.

What do you get when you mix a history buff with a techie, a passel of conspiracy theories, Agatha Christie, a random dream, and a born and bred Baptist? A unique twist on the cozy mystery.


Alexander City, AL -- July 27, 2020 -- Angela Mullins announces the release of her new book The Fictional Biography of Samuel Archer. The second book in her Uncle Henry mystery series tells how the family saga began thanks to one small box on a wrecked Nazi train.

When Samuel Archer picks the wrong pocket, his life takes a turn that will haunt him until his dying breath. Stolen and forged art, LSD experiments and other government conspiracies, creepy Nazi scientists, and mysterious artifacts are just a few of Archer’s journal entries left for his son Henry to decipher.

The Fictional Biography of Samuel Archer traces the cons, crimes, and adventures of the Archer family patriarch through WW2 and the Cold War.

Mullins’s career spans the gamut of radio, TV, publishing, and finance, but writing has always been in her heart. It wasn’t until these characters jumped into her head during a dream and wouldn’t leave that she finally began to get serious about it.

The Fictional Biography of Samuel Archer and the rest of the Uncle Henry series are available in ebook or paperback from Amazon at

For more information on the author and the books, please visit the author's website.

Contact Info
Angela Mullins
153 Robin Hood Drive
Alexander City, AL 35010]

Phone: 2563929131
