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Thu, 13 Mar 2025 16:19:44 -0500
2020-06-05 Print

Council Member Jawane Hilton in solidarity with Local Law Enforcement, City and Faith Leaders announces, ‘Shoulder to Shoulder’ March and Demonstration for George Floyd

City Leadership and residents stand together against racism and inequality.


Carson, CA - A global epidemic has reached its peak and is being felt around the world. Society is calling out the injustices and inequalities experienced by African Americans all over the world. A new study finds that about 1 in 1,000 black men and boys can expect to die because of police violence over the course of their lives – a risk that is about 2.5 times higher than their white peers. The killing of George Floyd and other People of Color will no longer be tolerated.

According to Council member Jawane Hilton, “It is time to take a stand together in solidarity as one voice and one people in this fight for our lives, diversity, inclusion and equity. Holding each other accountable as we move forward. We will stand for nothing less.” In support of these demands, Councilman Hilton has lead the effort to organize a peaceful march and demonstration for his community in support of George Floyd and all families that have lost a loved one to the hands of police brutality driven by racism and discrimination.

Police brutality has always been present but not always punishable or held those in violation accountable for their actions. Law enforcement and local government are now feeling the pressure and hearing the demands for accountability and justice. If not addressed now, history will continue to repeat itself. The cries of “I Can’t Breathe” and ‘Justice for Floyd’ is forcing America to address the systemic and racial issues that are deep rooted and unacceptable. Join us in stopping these crimes against humanity because Black Lives Matter.

WHAT: March and Demonstration for George Floyd: A Peaceful Walk for Injustice, expecting thousands to march ‘shoulder to shoulder’ in solidarity.
WHO: Council member Jawane Hilton
WHEN: Saturday, June 6th at 11am
WHERE: Meet at Bonita and Carson St, Carson (near the Doubletree Hotel), Walk to the steps of City Hall


Contact Info
Information Xchange Group PR
9190 W Olympic Blvd, #111
Beverly Hills, CA 90212

Phone: (310) 4907690
