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Fri, 26 Jul 2024 22:57:59 -0500
2020-04-02 Print

What Would Jesus Say About The Coronavirus - 3 Things Christians Can Do To Help Offered By Reverend Terry Allan Christian

Terry's book, 'What Did Jesus Say? The Seven Messages from the Master' contains over 500 Bible verses spoken directly by Jesus as recorded in the red-letter edition of the New King James Bible, organized by subject, without added interpretations, commentaries or opinions.


The coronavirus has upending modern day life like no pandemic in modern history. Rev. Terry Allan Christian is an expert researcher and author of 'What Did Jesus Say? The Seven Messages from The Master'. We know what our governments say about the coronavirus. We know what the media says. But the question for Terry is - What would Jesus say? He recently offered some specific points that all Christians should consider during these difficult times:

"I was asked the other day what Jesus would say to us about this virus," Christian stated. "The first thing that came to my mind was all the things Jesus said and here’s what I heard. Don’t worry, for your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him so when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly. And whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them. And whenever you pray, if you have anything against anyone, forgive them, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses. Remember, You did not choose Me, but I chose you so let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. You are the light of the world, let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. And, where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them. Peace be with you.

"I believe Jesus would want all Christians/believers to be the example of his peace in these troubled times. With God, all things are possible, all the time, wherever we live, if we pray believing, so let’s walk in his peace.

"What are 3 things Christians can do during this worldwide virus crisis?

#1. We can examine ourselves to see if we’re living in fear or faith. F-E-A-R is False Emotions Appearing Real and the worst fear is the ‘imagined fear’ because that robs us of our peace today, worrying about tomorrow.

I encourage everyone to read the Gospel of John and find out what Jesus actually said to those who loved and followed him.

#2. We can pray and fast. Prayer calms and strengthens our spirit and mind while fasting restores & strengthens our immune system. We can fast on water, and or juices too, for 1-3 or 7 days. I fasted once on water & juices for 46 days when I was 46 years old. After the 4th day I wasn’t hungry and finally stopped fasting 50 days later.

We’re taught that our body is God's temple and we’re told to love God with all our heart, soul and mind. Prayer removes fear, worry, doubts and anger from our mind, while fasting strengthens and helps purify our body.

#3- We can help one another. Jesus Said, 'A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another'. When we help one another, we show the world we are truly God's children. Non-believers and Christians too, take our example more seriously than our words. Let’s help our family, friends, neighbors and community as God shows us and our obedience to His Spirit will guide us to H-E-L-P. Help Everyone Live Peacefully.

"If there is any way I can help, please contact me and let’s fellowship together based on what Jesus said and may his words and love be in all we think, say and do."

Terry recently posted a video by the same title that can be viewed at his blog.

Imagine you're walking down the beach, and you come across a crowd waiting for Jesus to appear and teach them. What would he say? Would he talk about current religious and political conflicts, or would he speak about Love, Light, and Truth? Readers can join in for a walk with Jesus and listen to his words as he shares with them the Seven Messages from the Master. Each spiritual message reveals His teachings that will strengthen and guide anyone to a most peaceful life in Christ.

'What Did Jesus Say' contains over 500 Bible verses spoken directly by Jesus as recorded in the red-letter edition of the New King James Bible, organized by subject. There is no interpretation, opinion or commentary.

Terry Christian's ministry, Foundations For Life, is an online ministry dedicated to helping Christians worldwide. Their calling is to help all Christians mature in their relationship with Jesus Christ. H-E-L-P means Helping Everyone Live Peacefully in Christ.

This brotherly approach allows us to focus on our loving similarities as members of the whole Body of Christ, rather than on our differences in worshiping and practicing our faith, so common today from one church to another or one Pastor to another. The mission is to teach the Way by the Word.

Terry helps families and congregations, as well as clergy, come together, in love, as one body in Christ, in one accord, in order to perform a greater work for Christ. He is dedicated to creating the relationships that build stronger marriages, families and churches.

'What Did Jesus Say...The Seven Messages from The Master' is available in full color glossy print, eBook and Kindle. An audiobook version is available for Windows and Macintosh. Several bundled packages are available at the book website.

Terry Christian is available for media interviews. Please contact PrimeStar Publicity using the information below.

More information is available at his ministry website and his book website.

About Terry Allan Christian:

Since dedicating his life to Jesus at the age of 23, Terry Allan Christian has been reading the red lettered version of the 4 Gospels as recorded in the KJV Bible. Even though Terry reads the whole Bible, his primary focus is on the words of Jesus and the example of His actions.

Terry grew up in a violent dysfunctional family where he quit school at 16 and left home. He stuttered so bad he could only say 3-5 words in a row. His family and friends mocked him and that caused much stress in his early life. At the age of 23, he had a near death experience and in which he had a dream. In this dream, he was told that one day he would be a teacher for Jesus. Needless to say, he was scared at first because of his stuttering and lack of structured education however, he always had a child-like faith and trust in Jesus as Lord. After the dream, he was soon hired by the Dale Carnegie Organization and trained in sales and public speaking, where he met a man who taught him how to visually read. During the next few years Terry read several hundred books on the subject of personal growth.

At the age of 30, Terry became a professional motivational speaker and executive trainer and over the next 20 years he would deliver more than 2,500 presentations to private and public audiences across America and Canada.

Several years ago Terry retired as a public speaker after feeling the Holy Spirit redirecting his life. He was led to do what Jesus told him many years earlier. After researching the 4 Gospels he composed the book 'What Did Jesus Say: The Seven Messages from the Master', using only the words spoken by Jesus as recorded in the 4 Gospels, without adding any personal comments or opinions.

As in all God-called missions it took longer, cost more and challenged him to the edge of his faith. He would later say, he had to read the Book of Job just to understand why this was happening to him and discover if he was being tested or penalized. In the end, he was being tested and by the Grace of God, he prevailed.

Now after 12 years of study, obedience, difficulty and struggle, his book is now available in paperback, eBook, audiobook and Kindle.

Today, author and counselor Rev. Terry Christian is founder of Foundations for Life Online Ministries and presently lives in Negril, Jamaica where he does local missionary work in schools and churches while counseling Christians worldwide online through his program Christians Helping Christians.

Negril, Jamaica is where Terry went to fast and pray while seeking divine healing for bladder cancer. His doctors gave him 3 years to live so he created a healing sabbatical and after fasting, praying and walking the beach for 21 days he returned to his doctors who released him cancer free.

Terry calls this program: The Life Walk aka The Miracle Walk and now offers this restoration life program online through FaceTime, WhatsApp, Skype from his home for anyone seeking life, health or marriage restoration.

Contact Info
Terry Allan Christian
PO Box 1613
Shallotte, NC 28459

Phone: 910-842-9248
