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2020-01-15 Print

Black Talent TV’s Best Web Series of 2019 List Starts 2020 Off with A Bang

BTTV’s third annual list features a wide range of web series, from comedic to dramatic


NEW YORK—For the third consecutive year in a row, Black Talent TV is starting the new year off with our Best Web Series list. With an eccentric group of returning favorites and first timers to the list, the 21 Best Web Series of 2019 list features talent that are nothing short of magical. Co-founded by Diana McCray and Patricia Rivera, Black Talent TV is an online publication whose sole purpose is being a multicultural brand that spotlights current & up and coming men and women in entertainment, as well as showcase web series and short films. Also, in conjunction with Black Talent TV is the Urban Filmmakers Hub(, a content creators network where multicultural filmmakers will connect, create, and inspire by showcasing their talent.

Over the past two years, the Best Web Series list has featured many critically acclaimed web series, such as IFC’s Frank and Lamar, Bad Web Series, and Sweet Mahogany, the latter of which is created by award winning writer, director, producer, and actor Karlton T. Clay. Other web series that made the list in the past include Blue Collar Hustle, The Circle: New York City, Giants, Tough Love, Brooklyn.Blue.Sky, Makeup and Breakup, and Situationships. The latter three projects ended up being featured on BET Digital, while Tough Love got picked up by Cleo TV and Giants received 11 nominations at the 2019 Daytime Emmy Awards, eventually winning two awards. Blue Collar Hustle won the Best Representations of Communities of Color award, as well as Best Returning Web Series, at the 2017 and 2018 Minnesota Web Festival. The Circle: New York City creator Lester “NewNue” Matthews won the George Stoney Award for Social Impact award for the web series at the 2019 B Free Awards.

For Black Talent TV’s Creative Director & Entertainment Writer Philip Hernandez, it was only a matter of time for the Best Web Series list to come to life. “Most of the articles on Black Talent TV spotlight web series, some of which are now being put into the fore front for main stream audiences to view. It was only obvious for us to do a list to showcase some of these amazing web series.”

When it came to composing the 2019 list, Philip says that the process wasn’t an easy one. “2019 was a really good year for web series as there were so many great ones for Black Talent TV to choose from, which made it hard.” Nonetheless, he assures the readers, who he dubbed “BTTV Fam,” that Black Talent TV could not be any prouder of the web series chosen for the 2019 list.

Black Talent TV’s 21 Best Web Series of 2019 list, in no particular order, include:

The Circle: New York City(season 3), Ghosts of Fort Greene(season 1), $ugar Maybe(season 1), Black Enough(season 1), Dreaming Whilst Black(season 1), The Inner Circle: Dallas(season 4), Lea The Late Bloomer(season 1), Lover’s Lane(season 6), Black on Both Sides(season 1), Pillow Talk(season 1), Single Man Problems(season 1), King Ester(season 1), Single & Anxious(season 3), Timeless Guilt(season 1), Checking Off The List(season 1), Wingmen(season 1), Poz Roz(season 1), JuJu(season 1), Love First Night(season 3), Rhonda Mitchell, MD(season 2), and #NewYearNewUs(season 1).

To find out where each of these 2019 web series landed on the list, go to


Black Talent TV is a division of DAP Media Group. Founded by Diana McCray and Patricia Rivera, DAP Media Group, LLC. is a global multicultural company that integrates diverse media, talent, and production to provide creative content in the digital landscape. For more information on DAP Media Group, visit

Contact Info
Patricia Rivera
2823 Vine St, Denver, CO 80205]

Phone: (303) 578-0655
