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Mon, 13 Jan 2025 16:50:43 -0600
2019-10-18 Print

New Amazon Best Selling Author Bianca Modo Releases "Unscarred: Prayers For Healing"

Bianca Modo’s Unscarred: Prayers for Healing is a supportive and powerful guide to provide her readers from across the world, a transformative journey of self-insight, letting go, and empowerment.


(Atlanta, GA)- Do you remember your first heartbreak? Relationships can be a beautiful beginning to love, life, and true happiness. They can also be full of pain, betrayal and low self-esteem. If we’re not careful, sometimes we find ourselves in what seems to be a never-ending cycle of abuse, fear, and emptiness in our pursuit to find love.

New Amazon's best-selling author, Bianca Modo, has released her first book, “Unscarred: Prayers For Healing”, a spiritual guide to overcoming abuse and misuse in relationships. This self-help book is for anyone who has been abused physically, emotionally, and/or spiritually or those who have been misused in relationships looking to heal and find forgiveness so that they can thrive.
Bianca Modo takes you on a powerful journey inside her own struggles and creates an atmosphere of trust, forgiveness, overcoming guilt, shame, anxiety, and fear, and gives insight on the path of healing. In this book, you will learn how to heal with digestible and easy to read chapters that cover:

-Releasing worry and surrendering to God’s will for your life
-Understanding who you are in the Kingdom and how your mistakes won’t change your destiny
-Overcoming shame and guilt that can keep you stagnant in your relationships and life endeavors
-Learning how to forgive… Even forgiving the people that never apologized
-Healing your heart so you can attract blessings, favor, and new relationships
And so much more!

“You're ready to get over this hurt that has held you confined for many years. You're ready to quit being a victim and let go of all the shame, guilt, anxiety and fear. You're in college or you're already working in your career, but you're still being haunted by the memories of your past. And worse, you're still attracting relationships that mimic the abuse and misuse you've already escaped. God wants to come into your life to remake and heal you, this book will help you along your journey,” says Bianca.

To pre-order your book, please visit For all press inquiries, please email

About Bianca Modo

Bianca is a passionate and knowledgeable best-selling author and transformational speaker who naturally creates warm connections with her audience. Bianca is the CEO of Modo Global, LLC and creator of BRAND BUILD™. Bianca’s mission is to help profound leaders enhance their credibility, presence, and positioning. She believes that leaders should always look for the opportunity to change by starting with the change in themselves. As a brand consultant for the past 7 years, she’s had the honor of working with entrepreneurs, for-profit and nonprofit organizations, community leaders, and executives. Her primary focus is on helping them embrace their personal power and connect with their audience faster.

Contact Info
Modo Global, LLC
285 Glynn Street S
Fayetteville, GA 3014

Phone: 7707652897
