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Fri, 14 Mar 2025 01:42:21 -0500
2019-07-15 Print

Bobby Blakdout, owner of Florida Label Blak'd Out, is taking over the scene

Bobby Blakdout is taking over the scene! A nerd at heart, Bobby Blakdout quickly realized the music industry is full of BULL. That's when he decided to level the playing field and started signing artists in 2014 on his own dime with no support.

A nerd at heart, Bobby Blakdout (legally born Robert Lindsey) saw through the facade and quickly realized the music industry is full of BULL. That's when he decided to level the playing field and started signing artists in 2015, on his own dime with no support.

Formed unofficially in 2006 and officially as of 2014, Blak'd Out Records is the vision of Robert Lindsey aka "Bobby Blakdout", a producer/artst who managed to break Boogie T into the EDM/Dubstep industry in 2015-2016.

Bobby Blakdout has also worked with Platinum and Gold RIAA Artists as well as Grammy and Academy Award Winners to help run strategic campaigns on multiple platforms like Shazam, Genius and Spotify.

After carefully curating a release roster of talented EDM and Dubstep Artists in 2015-2016, Bobby and his label "Blak'd Out" are continuing the push forward.

Blak'd Out Records, once and exclusive label for EDM and Dubstep, has now opened it's doors and has shifted to an "OPEN GENRE" platform.

Envisioning a new age for independent record labels, Bobby Blakdout partnered with digital media marketing and promotion companies to help his cause. This led to Bobby Blakdout starting his own "Media Marketing and Consultation" Agency to help other unsigned artists who had the talent but are struggling due to the lack of resources.

Bobby Blakdout has spent the last 5 years and countless amounts of his own money to build his brand and artists. Now in mid 2019, it seems as if 2020 will be the year Blak'd Out goes mainstream. We also found out on Gucci Savage's last album that Bobby Blakdout is in fact Gucci Savage. This was revealed in the albums intro skit.

When asked what makes him think he can now break new rappers, Bobby Blakdout simply said "If I can break an EDM DJ/Producer when people had distaste for the genre, I can break a Rapper, I just gotta add more 0's to the budget! We have the potential to be the next Warner or Atlantic with proper structure"

As well as running the label and producing for himself, Robert Lindsey aka Bobby Blakdout also raps under the alias of Gucci Savage and has recently formed a group called "Big Ugly Savage" which includes himself as Gucci Savage alongside Ewan Lindo & Big Fayt. The group is signed exclusively to Bobby's label Blak'd Out. Big Ugly Savage is exclusively recorded at Black Rose Studios in Florida, home of Ewan and Big Fayt.

Bobby Blakdout's Label "Blak'd Out Records" is NOW ACCEPTING DEMOS!
You can e-mail your demo to or

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