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Wed, 12 Mar 2025 14:58:15 -0500
2019-05-13 Print

Independent Film Producers Reach New Heights of Diversity and Success with Female MMA Movie

The film is an epic tale of women MMA fighters in the 21st century. Following the boxing genre pioneered by the Rocky series, the film takes the viewer on a journey of a driven and talented fighter who is determined to make her dreams come true.


A booming economy combined with bold, fresh, and innovative ideas, have opened-up new realms of creativity in the performing arts. Television, radio, video games, and the interactive arts have been infused with the ideas of a new generation that is empowered by the advancements made in Internet and digital technology.

The motion picture industry has not remained unaffected by this renaissance. Mr Bravo Entertainment Group Inc. (MBE) is a privately-held Independent Motion Picture Producer. The company’s latest release is entitled "Excelsis" ( MBE Is working in conjunction with Universe Pictures Group and Inc. (a US based motion picture development company).

The film is an epic tale of women MMA fighters in the 21st century. Following the boxing genre pioneered by the Rocky series, the film takes the viewer on a journey of a driven and talented fighter who is determined to make her dreams come true.

The main character is called Cassady Jones. Following an exceptionally tough championship title defense, she finds herself in a melee that shocks and awes the sports world, while leaving the Excelsis Fighting Championship (EFC) promotion in the most tumultuous period of its history. Enter fight promoter John David. He approaches EFC's owner Donna Carter and proposes an idea that can re-energize the promotion effort and bring new life to women's MMA.

John David gives Cassady Jones and 7 other competitors the opportunity to fight in an EFC tournament. The winner will be the new champion. Cassady realizes that her big break is at hand. She opts to take the chance. To do so, she will have to face her greatest opponent. In the process, Cassady comes to see that the fight is for more than the title; it is for everything that she has ever wanted.

This picture is scheduled to be released in 2020 but, the buzz surrounding it has already started. Stories like this one both entertain and inspire. And given the general sense of uneasiness felt by so many people around the world, a film that features a heroic woman fighting to realize her dreams is the ultimate uplift.

Excelsis Director Jaze Bordeaux explains the drama sport movie genre in a recent I Heart Radio interview. "It hasn't actually been done before! So Excelsis is potentially is the first of its kind right? And it's not even just MMA based ... it's basically if you look at that entire genre, there's not a lot of films where you'll find women in these non-traditional roles."

"There's a few, like Million Dollar Baby, but not a lot. So it's something we're excited about,because it's different, and it's new, and just even in the early stages right now ...where we're at. There's been a pretty good movement behind it already; and a lot of excitement for it, especially with the rise of women and MMA with Ronda Rousey, and UFC, and the great things they're doing right now. They're just taking things to another level, so it's kind of like right time, right place, right everything in terms of what we're doing with the production right now."

Mr Bravo Entertainment takes great pride in its ability to create films that touch the heart and engage the mind. The company is always looking for new talent in the several arts required to make a good film. If you are a screenwriter, set designer, camera professional, or actor trying to get a break in the motion picture industry, you should contact us.

Talent can exist in the most out-of-the-way places. Mr Bravo Entertainment goes beyond the usual venues for finding the professionals and artists needed to make good films. From Toronto to New Mexico , the company welcomes it wherever it happens to be.

The future of independent film-making is bright and getting ever-brighter. Long gone are the days when the big studios dominated and controlled the industry. Now anyone with talent and a modest amount of support can bring their creative ideas and vision to life. Mr Bravo Entertainment is a fast-growing independent film production studio. It is the place for new talent to get a start.

For more information:

Mr Bravo Entertainment Group Inc
2967 Dundas St W
Suite 317
Toronto Ontario M6P 1Z2
ph - 647-977-8118

Press Inquiries -
Bob Stephens Inc.

Contact Info
Independent Film
2967 Dundas St W Suite 317 Toronto Ontario M6P 1Z2 Canada

Phone: +1-647-977-8118
