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Fri, 03 May 2024 05:44:24 -0500
2019-02-28 Print

New Release! Poet to the Poor: Poetry for the Bottom One Percent by John Kaniecki is now available from Dreaming Big Publications!

Poet to the Poor: Poetry for the Bottom One Percent is a book of poetry that is published by Dreaming Big Publications and is now available in paperback and digital copies!


Poet to the Poor is a collection of poetry written for the bottom one percent. This work draws from historical figures and everyday people from John's life, creating a powerful poetic testimony.

In revolutionary fashion John defies both the politics of the day and the modern style of poetry. The poems are written in a wide variety of styles, and rhyming is prominent. Passion and purpose abounds in these words. With over forty of the poems previously published, this work constitutes John's best, including the award winning poem "Tea with Joe Hill."

If you want something to inspire you to change the world, this book is a must. Take a journey into the lives of the bottom one percent. The poor.

Poet to the Poor: Poetry for the Bottom One Percent is available now from Amazon for $1.99 (e-book) or $12.00 (paperback). Please contact Kristi at to request review copies or to receive exclusive author interviews, notice of new releases, and cover reveals.

Dreaming Big Publications is a publishing company on a mission to reach more people on a global level by publishing books that educate and advocate for mental health and social justice issues. Our main focus is nonfiction—self-help, memoirs, and books written for professional mental health providers—but we publish fiction as well and enjoy anything that is a good, fun read, including fantasy and sci-fi.

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Dreaming Big Publications

102 First East St.
Sumrall, MS 39482

Phone: 601-394-8813
