North Texas cancer foundation, launched in 2017, plans to go bigger in 2019 with its second annual gala and fundraiser.  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE / PRURGENT
Dallas, TX - The Ruth Cheatham Foundation (TRCF), a nonprofit focused on supporting adolescent youth through all phases of cancer treatment, is pleased to announce its 2019 gala and fundraiser. The Gala will be held in Las Colinas, TX at the Omni Mandalay Hotel on Friday, May 3, 2019 at 6:00PM.
As part of the event, TRCF will be offering a limited number of Sponsorship and Group Packages for purchase, VIP Tickets and General Admission Tickets. The event will include a silent auction provided by its corporate partners, dinner and drinks, live musical performances, celebrity speakers and much more! TRCF is excited to announce this year’s Gala Chair as Dallas TV Personality Courtenay Dehoff.
“We are privileged and honored that Courtenay accepted our invitation as Gala Chair. Her passion for giving back to the community and supporting kids with cancer made her the perfect fit for our event. She possesses a unique balance of high-energy stage presence and professionalism, along with a splash of genius comedic wit. The icing on the cake was her professional rodeo experience.” said Douglas Whittemore, Treasurer and Co-Founder. “After meeting with Courtenay, it was immediately unanimous with our board; she is the one. She’s in the middle of some significant work in New York City, yet didn’t hesitate to say yes to Texas and its kids!”
“I am very excited to take part in this special event and, more importantly, honored to be teaming up with a charity changing lives of teens here in Texas” said Courtenay Dehoff. “The minute Douglas contacted me and explained the Foundation’s cause to me I was in! I feel it’s important for those that are able to give whether its time, influence, talent or monetary donations don’t hesitate and jump right in. Life is so much more fulfilling when you’re contributing to a greater good!”
Corporate sponsorships, group packages, VIP and individual tickets will soon be available for purchase on TRCF website under its Gala page. Pre-sale package will start the first week of February and will be opening to the general public soon thereafter. They expect to continue to announce details of the night and the program in the coming months.
TRCF asks you visit their website sign up for their mailing list, and learn more about their mission. Please make sure to "Like" and start following them on Facebook |