Attendees from around the world came to talent management conference including global consultants, human resource experts and managers and behavioral science industry leaders. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE / PRURGENT
Art Snarzyk, The Turnover Terminator, delivered a dynamic presentation at the TTI Success Insights International Conference 2019 (TTISICON)) held January 11-12, 2019 in Phoenix AZ.
The talent management conference featured attendees from around the world including global consultants, human resource experts and managers and behavioral science industry leaders.
Snarzyk’s presentation, “Keep Cash Flow Flowing!-Referral Relationship Strategies That Fill Your Pipeline”, received great positive feedback. His talk instructed attendees on how to interweave business, human nature and behavioral science into memorable and tangible steps to create and deepen referral relationships.
“Most businesses grow by referral but few have a strategy for doing so. We synergized the ideas from many referral business gurus and brought new insights to explain our strategies, techniques and formulas that helped us grow our international consultancy, InnerView Advisors, so quickly,” Snarzyk said.
“In addition we showed them how to create mental triggers that stick, to focus on feeding their ‘golden geese’ and to be more genuine and human in their business marketing.”
Snarzyk was one of two dozen speakers, including other globally recognized experts such as Frans Johansson, Ron Price, Molly Fletcher, Candice Frazer and Andy Johnson. All created a unified story arc that spoke to transforming the way organizations think about success-through people.
TTISICON is an annual conference that brings together the brightest minds in the talent management industry. Open to the general public for the first time this year, it is the place to gain insights, connect with other like-minded individuals and to become inspired to maximize the potential of an organization’s workforce.
Known as “The Turnover Terminator” for his unique way of helping business owners and managers hire and manage only ideal, top-performing staff, Snarzyk was named “Top 100 St. Louisans You Should Know To Succeed In Business” by Small Business Monthly. Snarzyk has been in management and hiring since 1996. He was the owner of a successful painting company for 9 years, and knows first-hand the hassle, expense, and headache of trying to hire and develop quality employees. His goal is to help managers and business owners become better versions of themselves and help them find workers who naturally fit their work. Snarzyk’s consulting company, InnerView Advisors, works with contractors and professional service businesses worldwide. Clients hire him to become better at attracting, hiring, and retaining great employees who fit their unique companies and help them overcome growth challenges. |