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Tue, 10 Sep 2024 11:47:30 -0500
2018-12-16 Print

World’s 1st “LIFE SKILLS OLYMPIAD” launched across 100+countries

School students from Grade III-XII can now test their Life Skills readiness Skillizen Learning Foundation, a Singapore headquartered global socio-educational company, has launched “International Life Skills Olympiad (ILSO)” for 2018-19. This is the world’s 1st Olympiad that tests young citizens on Life Skills and will be held online on the 27th of January 2019.


Aimed at school children from Grade III to XII, ILSO is a global online test that will be based on the Skillizen Curriculum, the world’s 1st Critical Life Skills Curriculum. This curriculum follows a unique method that transfers even the most complex Life Skills in such a manner, that even an 8 year old can playfully master those skills.
This unique Life Skills test will focus on assessing Skills and Competencies that are essential for young children of 21st century to lead their personal and professional lives. The questions of ILSO 2018-19 will be based on real life scenarios that will test the young students on their application of critical life skills like leadership, ethics, teamwork, communications, empathy, goal setting and many more.

Launching the Life Skills Olympiad, Mr.SidharthTripathy, Founder & CEO of Skillizen Olympiad Foundation said, “The children of 21st century need a whole range of critical Life skills to engage, manage and lead the world.” The main prizes for the winners of the International Life Skills Olympiad include free tickets to visit Harvard University in USA, mini iPads and Kindles. Besides the top prizes, there are assured prizes for all participants.

Why should one participate in such global tests? School children are always comparing themselves against their classmates or at best with other children in their own school. While preparing for this test, young minds from grade III-XII will be able to acquire new Life Skills and match their skills levels against the smartest children of the world. Participation in ILSO will perhaps be their first step to become a global citizen.

The editorial team from had the chance to speak with the Chief Convener of International Life Skills Olympiad(ILSO), Mr.SidharthTripathy and get his insights on Life Skills & ILSO.

Newzworm: What are Life Skills?
Mr.Tripathy: Life Skills are the skills that we all need to effectively manage the challenges of everyday life, be it at school, at work or in our personal lives. You could say, 'It is a set of skills that enable us to lead our life to its fullest potential'.

Newzworm: People learn such skills as they grow up, why do we need to teach such skills to school students?
Mr.Tripathy: Quite contrary to that common belief, my research work at Harvard University in 2011 revealed that, the human brain can most effectively learn Critical Life Skills only during its hardwiring phase, i.e.; between the age of 6 to 16 years. That research led to the birth of Skillizen, World's first Critical Life Skills Curriculum with a mission to create “Citizens with the Right Skills”.

Newzworm: Are Life Skills and Soft Skills the same thing?
Mr.Tripathy: A definitive meaning and list of Life Skills is something that educators, governments and employers continue to debate worldwide. But irrespective of whether we call them Life Skills, 21st Century Skills or Soft Skills, it is a fact that students who are able to acquire and apply such skills, are much better placed to succeed in the real world beyond schools. Based on recent news, when asked about Skills Gap across the industries, Jeff Weiner, the CEO of LinkedIn strongly emphasized that the biggest skill gap today is in Soft Skills such as Communication, Collaboration etc.

Newzworm: What should parents & schools do to prepare children for the future?
Mr.Tripathy: Today's young citizens will have many new challenges over the course of their lives, with associated stress and the need to evolve. Hence it is important for parents and schools to integrate a Life Skills Curriculum that would help students to acquire and apply skills such as Communication Skills, Teamwork, Leadership, Critical Thinking, Smart Consumer Literacy, and many more. Participation in global tests like ILSO is one of the most recommended steps for parents to get their children started on the journey of Life Skills.

For more information or to enroll, go to

Contact Info
Skillizen Learning Solutions
Nirvana Country Sector 50
C 402

Phone: 8750679770
