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Sat, 04 May 2024 14:59:11 -0500
2018-11-14 Print

Immigration, The Caravan And The Midterm Aftermath - Nothing New Under The Sun Says Joseph Ganci, Author Of Epic Biblical Novel Featuring Old Testament Revelations, 'Gideon: The Sound And The Glory'

In 'Gideon, The Sound, and the Glory,' Ganci combines Old Testament revelations with modern day revelations, action, and adventure to provide audiences with a unique, emotionally charged experience.


Immigration has dominated our headlines for many months now. While we like to think this is a modern-day issue, immigration - the journey to the promised land and a better life - have been with us for many centuries. These human sagas, replete with all the political drama that surrounds such issues, have been playing out since Biblical times.

While immigration and the accompanying political melodramatic plotlines may not first come to mind when considering stories from the Old Testament, author Joseph Ganci has managed to turn the little-known account of Gideon into a Bible-based novel that reads like a modern-day major motion picture based on current events. He shows us that Biblical stories can be more than just dusty history - they can be keenly entertaining. He brings the Bible to life and rekindles the fires of ancient passions. He offers practical application of revelatory insights of faith, visions, and spiritual determination for modern-day living. He does it all in ways that will entertain, motivate and enlighten. Consider the following:

"The people of Israel were now on the outskirts of Canaan, just beyond the River Jordan in the plains of Moab. They were within sight of the Promised Land, approaching the border of the land God promised to Abraham and his descendants. To assert their spiritual legacy would not be an easy undertaking. They would have to proceed by faith and rely solely on the strong hand and outstretched arm of God. The land of milk and honey was peopled by mixed and hostile populations who were violently opposed to yielding a cubit of ancestral lands—they would not go without a struggle. Canaan controlled the fertile valleys and the coastline with its unfriendly strongholds of walled cities. The high valleys were the domain of the Amorites. The Hivites, (Neo) Hittites, Jebusites, and Perizzites peopled the villages, towns, and hamlets of the central lowlands. This was Israel’s time of conquest and settlement, often by force of arms. Occasionally, an attempt was made to in?ltrate peaceably.

"The Midianite kings were the sworn enemies of Israel and had been ever since their ?rst encounter at the Battle of Mount Tabor. They witnessed ?rsthand the ever-growing might of the wandering vagabonds who had escaped Egyptian rule. Israel was, after all, an uninvited and unwelcome visitor who, by force or by stealth, insisted on making a place for themselves. Now they had become an ever-increasing problem on the ancestral lands of the Midianites, Amalekites, Canaanites, and all the children of the East. The land of their birthright from the beginning of time was being stolen by the fertile increase and unstoppable multiplication from the slave children called 'Israel.'”

Ganci takes a ground-breaking and revelatory path in his quest to bring the awe-inspiring story of Gideon to life and ultimately to film. He believes that connecting facts are far more enchanting than loosely fitting fantasies. He works within a framework of an engaging and dramatized fiction that, while exceedingly rich in detail, remains faithful to uphold spiritual principles. He bases his work on three primary pillars:

* The rock-solid cornerstone is historical biblical geography.

* The creative arch is revelatory in its timing and issues.

* The research is concrete, firmly rooted in customs, languages, and traditions.

Gideon coverGanci fills in the blanks with rock-solid research and prophetic revelations. It is a style that has allowed him to create breakthrough approaches that are exciting and breathtaking while remaining within the limits of believable biblical teachings.

Mysteries long hidden in ancient shadows now leap to life blazing unto the pages of revelation. Details that link passages, peoples, and places are the most exciting part of the storytelling process. Details give possibilities a firm foundation as bones give form and strength to living flesh. Details long since lost or misunderstood, now ring true, giving texture, and breath, to long-forgotten gems of perception resurrected from ruins, dust, and ashes.

Readers of 'Gideon The Sound and the Glory' will learn about the Jewish Tabernacle, the Ark of the Covenant, the mysterious Golden Ephod, how, and why, David found himself at his battle with Goliath, and much, much more. This work illuminates the dark corners of scripture while engaging readers in a gripping narrative.

Joseph Ganci was recently chosen as one of '50 Great Writers You Should Be Reading' in the 2017 Book Awards. 'Gideon: The Sound and the Glory' has received rave reviews from readers and reviewers alike. A recent reviewer stated, "Joseph Gauci’s prose is arresting, peppered with fantastic imagery and succinct descriptions of plot, characters, and setting. The themes are masterfully created, and they are woven into the story in a way that allows the reader to enjoy both the inspiration the story offers and the accompanying action. The book explores powerful spiritual and political themes, capturing the conflicts and the dynamics of life within the community of God's chosen people. Gideon: The Sound and the Glory will appeal to fans of political thrillers, adventure, and conflict-driven stories laced with intense action." Other reviewers have used phrases such as "riveting," "amazing" "deftly crafted" and "highly recommended."

Ganci has also announced he will make his book available as a fundraising tool for like-minded associations and charities. Donors can receive an eBook version of 'Gideon' in exchange for a donation to a worthy cause. For more details, contact Joseph via email.

Joseph Ganci is available for media interviews and can be reached using the information below or by email at 'Gideon: The Sound and the Glory' is available in both print, eBook, and a superb, ethnically correct audio narration, all from online retailers.

More information regarding speaking engagements, including sample video interviews, is available on Gauci’s website.

About Joseph Ganci:

Joseph Ganci is a Levite and a high priest and remains a passionate Italian. He is a Vietnam combat veteran and is the father of five daughters and five grandchildren. He resides in Texas.

Contact Info
Joseph Ganci
PO Box 1613
Shallotte NC 28459

Phone: 910-842-9248
