The current issue of Bella Crafts™ Magazine is now available to view online or download on your mobile devices. The 54-page issue is filled with 20 craft projects and craft business articles. This issue along with all our issues is FREE. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE / PRURGENT
September 2018- It’s a festival of colors that we all enjoy. As the days become shorter and the nights longer, the cool crisp days of fall are upon us. But, the best part of fall… is the newest issue of Bella Crafts™ created by Bella Crafts Publishing™. Bella Crafts™ is the Internet’s #1 FREE digital craft publication. Each craft project in Bella Crafts™ has detailed how-to instructions and beautiful photography, allowing our readers to re-create the projects with ease.
When Bella Crafts Publishing™ first introduced our digital craft magazine in 2012, we made a promise that our magazine would always be free to view online and download to your mobile devices such as cell phones, tablets, laptops, and e-readers. We take that promise very seriously and we will continue to offer Bella Crafts™ free of charge.
The newest issue of Bella Crafts™ has over 54 pages of crafty goodness. With 20 projects created by some of the craft industry’s leading designers, Bella Crafts™ has something for everyone. In every issue, you will find our Tools of the Trade™ column which gives crafters updates on the hot new tools that they need to add to their toolboxes. We also have a 20-minute craft section where we teach crafters to create multiple projects in 20 minutes or less!
You can find our newest issue on its new format at and for additional information on our fabulous magazine, you can visit our website at Or, if you would like to advertise in future publications from Bella Crafts Publishing™, please email Ann Butler at |