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Thu, 13 Mar 2025 13:06:51 -0500
2018-08-21 Print

New Non-Profit to Start Crowdfunding Campaign to Address Mass Programmer Shortage

The educational institution, ran completely by minors, is looking to raise an initial fund of £700 by December for teaching web development to children.


MANCHESTER, Greater Manchester, Aug. 18, 2018

Educational non-profit CodeDdraig has announced that it will be looking to raise at least £700 as their first round of funding in a campaign on crowdfunding website Kickstarter starting on September 15th. They plan on using this to fund research, marketing and development on their primary product, CodeDragon (, which aims to teach web development to children ages seven to 14. Their marketing and offering of this service will contribute towards fixing the mass shortage of programmers in the UK. Their fundraising campaign is primarily dedicated to marketing, so that they can amass enough public attention to become self-sustaining through ads ran on their site. They are to title the campaign ‘CodeDragon - A simple solution for teaching web development’

CodeDragon’s service, which can be integrated into the National Curriculum, is not only able to generate interest, but unlike competitors it can also teach skills that are required for the workplace, from an early age. They want to market themselves as ‘filling the gap’ between traditional web development education aimed at an older audience, and software/basic algorithm education currently poised by the government.

“We all know how hard it is to learn a language when you grow up. It’s no different with programming. The government puts great efforts into teaching algorithmic thinking, but when it comes to web development, an increasingly required skill, these are not strictly useful. We know how hard it is to learn web development as a minor. And yet, it shouldn’t be. In this day and age, having the appropriate tools to programmers who want to make a difference is vital. So is providing these tools to children. Children are the future. However, the current services available are wholly inadequate for Computer Science education in the 21st century. We are launching the campaign as we need to market these tools directly to those who need them.” Geza Kerecsenyi, Head of Marketing and Board Member at CodeDdraig Organisation



Mr Geza Kerecsenyi, Head of Marketing and Board Member at CodeDdraig Organisation
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Mr Pal Kerecsenyi, Development Lead and Board Member at CodeDdraig Organisation
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Notes to editor: for campaign information
• The UK has experienced a shortage of 750,000 programmers since 2008, which the FPSG claim has resulted in a financial loss of over £12b GBP

About the company

Educational non-profit CodeDdraig was founded on December 20th, 2017 and its primary product CodeDragon was announced on January 3rd, 2018. According to their Constitution, they aim to “allow users to learn and use HTML, CSS and JavaScript” through their online platform, and “to foster interest in the fields of Computer Science”. The website contains a click-and-drag editor as well as a social platform for sharing and discussing work. Currently ran by a small team of developers all aged under 15, they have developed the site without funds or attention for almost a year.

Contact Info
Geza Kerecsenyi
12 Larke Rise, Manchester, UK, M20 2UL

Phone: +4407858200104
