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Fri, 14 Mar 2025 01:43:56 -0500
2018-06-18 Print

IDW and Certero sign strategic partnership

IDW and Certero sign strategic partnership to deliver license management solutions for Microsoft, Oracle, SAP and IBM environments in Portugal.


IDW, a key player in the Portuguese market in IT Consultancy, Services and Solutions for businesses, has signed a partnership agreement with Certero, specialists in software asset management (SAM) solutions, to provide customers with a joint solution focused on Microsoft, Oracle, SAP and IBM licensing management.

IDW will utilize Certero’s products designed specifically for Microsoft, Oracle, IBM and SAP environments to help companies discover, inventory, monitor and manage their software licenses, reducing costs, optimizing utilization and reducing the risk of non-compliance.

“Having the knowledge and control of IT assets is a vital part of any strategy for IT. Being ourselves a company focused in the Compliance Management market, it was natural to partner with Certero, as it gives us incredible opportunities to offer a global service to handle the complex issues around Microsoft, Oracle, SAP and IBM licensing compliance, amongst others,” said Pedro Torradinhas, IDW CTO.

Through this collaboration and outsourcing of “SAM as a Service”, IDW can configure and update licensing schemes of different contracts and suppliers automatically as inventorying installed, used and purchased software, allowing for the proper lifecycle management of assets.

“We are delighted to have signed this agreement with one of the leading integrators in the SAM market and an organization renowned in the world of Information Security and Compliance projects,” said Certero CEO, John Lunt.

“With software vendors increasing their audit activity, making sure you are compliant with your licensing agreement will prevent unexpected expenditure and avoid costly fines. What’s more many organizations are either not using all the software they buy or using the wrong type of licenses. The Certero MS, Oracle, IBM and SAP SAM solutions can help alleviate this and enable organizations to optimize their licensing spend.”

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