Volunteers were awarded for their community work at the Church of Scientology's Fort Harrison. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE / PRURGENT
Clearwater, FL – On April 18, the Church of Scientology hosted the annual Volunteer Recognition Awards Dinner in Downtown Clearwater’s Historic Fort Harrison. Forty-five of the two hundred guests went on stage to receive commemorative pins, acknowledging them for their hard work to improve the community.
“This is our way of acknowledging all of the amazing things that our local charities and non-profits do for the community,” said Dylan Pires, Community Affairs Director for the Church of Scientology in Clearwater. “As humanitarian L. Ron Hubbard once said, ‘The biggest right there is, is not the right to vote, is not the right to freedom of speech or press or religion or anything else. The biggest right there is in human rights is the right to help!’ and that’s exactly what all of these non-profits are doing.”
Apostle Joel Lewis was the guest speaker. He spoke about the Scientology Volunteer Minister Program and said that they are the most dedicated and selfless volunteers he has seen. He then thanked all volunteers for lending their “time, talent and voice” to make a difference in their communities.
The Volunteer Recognition Awards Dinner is the annual celebration of the Charity Coalition, which now has over 200 participating charitable or non-profit organizations. The purpose of the Charity Coalition and awards ceremony is to empower the non-profit community and give back to those who dedicatedly serve their areas.
Organizations such as the Clearwater Community Volunteers, The Boy Scouts of America, Children with a Vision and Pinellas County Foster and Adoptive Parents Association were all present to be recognized as those who are making the difference in the Tampa Bay communities. These organizations help tens of thousands of children and families every year with Christmas toys, school supplies, and even a new loving family all in the name of making the world a better place to live in.
For more information about the Charity Coalition please call (727) 467-6860 or email dylanpires churchofscientology.net.
About the Church of Scientology
The Scientology religion was founded by humanitarian and philosopher, L. Ron Hubbard. The first Church of Scientology was formed in the United States in 1954 and has expanded to more than 11,000 churches, missions, and affiliated groups, with millions of members in 167 nations. Based on L. Ron Hubbard’s words, “A Community that pulls together can make a better society for all,” the Church of Scientology regularly engages in many humanitarian programs and community events. To learn more, visit www.scientology-fso.org. |