Fort Duncan Regional Medical Center in Eagle Pass, Texas updated the Digisonics CVIS to provide their clinicians with a comprehensive solution for image management and structured reporting for all their cardiovascular studies. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE / PRURGENT
Houston, TX -- Fort Duncan Regional Medical Center in Eagle Pass, Texas has expanded the Digisonics Cardiovascular Information System to their cardiac catheterization lab. The Digisonics system provides Fort Duncan Regional Medical Center with a state-of-the-art system for their cardiac patients. Immediate access to critical information and faster turnaround times will provide optimal cardiac care.
An interface with the facility’s Merge hemodynamics system provides seamless integration to the Digisonics CVIS, autopopulating data for Pre, Procedural and Post Procedure directly into the clinical report, saving valuable time and improving accuracy.
About Digisonics, Inc.
Digisonics provides top-rated clinical image management and structured reporting systems for cardiovascular (CVIS), radiology, and obstetrics & gynecology. Digisonics structured reporting solutions combine high performance image review workstations, a powerful PACS image archive, an integrated clinical database, comprehensive analysis capabilities and highly configurable reporting for multiple modalities. Key applications are complemented with interfaces to information systems and 3rd party vendors, providing facilities with a seamless, efficient clinical workflow. Find out more at |