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Wed, 05 Feb 2025 02:52:53 -0600
2018-01-22 Print

StarForce C++ Obfuscator Protects Readium DRM against Analysis and Reverse Engineering

French ERDLab has purchased the StarForce solution to protect critical sectors of the source code for the module, which is responsible for access management to digital content.


Moscow, Russia -- EDRLab, the European headquarter of the Readium Foundation, which develops technologies to accelerate the adoption of EPUB 3 for e-book publishers, has purchased StarForce C++ Obfuscator to protect its own DRM system from analysis, hacking and modification.

The platform developed by EDRLab is an open source solution. Such an approach should help to promote EPUB as a standard for e-books publishing. However, the openness of the platform does not mean that digital content is distributed without control - most books are protected by the copyright. To prevent leakage and piracy, a DRM system is used to control delivery and access to electronic copies of publications. This system needs to have reliable protection against hacking and manipulation initiated by intruders.

StarForce C++ Obfuscator is a tool designed to hide the source code of software solutions. The StarForce product works at the level of a syntactic parser, which allows developers to maximally confuse the application algorithm by inserting additional cycles and function calls. Moreover, each launch of StarForce C ++ Obfuscator generates a new version of the compiled code, so to update the protection it is enough to restart obfuscation without making any changes to the source code.

“Obfuscation is used to protect critical sections of code against analysis and reverse engineering," says Natalia Yashenkova, Head of marketing and PR at StarForce Technologies. "Generally, two types of obfuscators for C and C ++ are distinguished: the first is simpler – they rename the variables, remove spaces, etc. They act on the level of the lexical analyzer. The second type obfuscators act at the level of the logic of the program and they can completely change the algorithm, which greatly complicates the analysis of the source code for hacking and making unauthorized changes. StarForce C++ Obfuscator refers to the second type and often it is purchased to protect important parts of the code such as the exchange of encryption keys or the transfer of personal data, logins and passwords. That's why there are so many DRM system developers among our customers”.

At the moment StarForce C++ Obfuscator is mainly used by DRM providers and game developers from Japan and South Korea. Detailed information is available on the website

StarForce Technologies also uses this tool to protect its own products: StarForce Reader ( and StarForce Player, which help to view copy-protected content.

About EDRLab
EDRLab ( develops software technology to accelerate adoption of EPUB and the Open Web Platform by the global digital publishing industry. EDRLab is the European headquarter of the Readium Foundation. Among founder members of EDRLab are the French Ministry of Culture and the French Ministry of Economy and Finance.

About StarForce Technologies
StarForce Technologies ( is a leading vendor of information protection, copy protection and code obfuscation solutions for software, electronic content and audio/video files. Since 2000, StarForce has been successfully developing and implementing its state-of-the-art security solutions, providing copyright and intellectual property protection worldwide.
For more information about the company, please visit our web site or our Facebook page.

Contact Info
Natalia Yashenkova
5 Altufevskoe shosse
Moscow 127106 Russia

Phone: +74959671450
